Danil Akimov

Sound artist, curator, and DJ

Age: 45

A keen ear and meticulous approach to sounds have revealed the range of potential musical abilities of sound artist Danil Akimov. As a curator, he runs concert and research projects, as well as the international Sound Around Kaliningrad festival, the city’s only festival dedicated to sound art and experimental music. Each edition -in 2021 it was already the tenth festival — is a study aimed at capturing fresh trends in sound art and an excursion into the history of experimental practices by artists and composers.

Akimov has been active in the interdisciplinary fields of contemporary art since 1998, specializing in sound design, audiovisual installations, and performances. One of the founders of the sound art group Membrana/Membranoids. Ex-member of the band Bigudi. Co-organizer of the project ArtEgo, initiating several local cultural events of an entertainment nature: thematic dance/fashion parties, film clubs, performances, and concerts.

Danil uses different methods and equipment in his work with sound: factory and handmade electric musical instruments, scientific and medical equipment, household appliances, field recordings, semi-organic objects.

Akimov has been the curator of the BF SCCI since 2004. As a curator, he implements several long-term international projects: SoundArtLab, Audio tourism, Acoustic Diagnostic, Kaliningrad SoundArtCamp, Sound Around fest, focusing on sound art and experimental music.