Alik Yakubovich
Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, inventor of what is called «acoustic photography» Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions in the field of photography and advertising. His solo exhibitions were held in Russia, France, England, USA. According to FotoFest, he is one of the 150 best photographers in Russia during the perestroika period. He did a number of photo projects, such as «Legko li byt molodym» («Is it easy to be young»), «Patsany «(“Boys»), «52 potseluia» («52 isses»), «Dusha goroda» («Soul of the city») and «Masterskaia» («Workshop»). The author of the Nizhny No illustrated book, featuring 140 photographs, mixing the artistic and documentary value of Nizhny Novgorod. As part of «acoustic photography» he published 8 books: «Nerastvorimyi Lofe» («Insoluble Coffee»), «Letaiushchie Ryby» («Flying Fish»), «Byt» («Being»), «Lodka S Golubymi Glazami» («Boat with Blue Eyes»), «Nachat By Vse S Kontsa» («Start Everything from the End»), «ChutE «(“Gut Feeling»), «Obryvki Vetra» («Wisps of Wind»), «Vtoroe Schaste» («Second Happiness»). Founder of the Alik Yakubovich Agency, which designs illustration, naming, logos, packaging design, social and political advertising for companies. The logos of Alik Yakubovich’s agency were included in the LOGOLOUNGE #3 and LOGOLOUNGE #5 World’s Best Logos for 2009.