Anna Ivanova

Brand manager of the SM. CITY construction company, Co-founder of the Kamenka Cultural Space

If you ever heard anything about Kamenka: Kinoluzhaika, Bolshoi Piknik, Bal V Kedah, a residence of manufacturers, KamenkaStore showroom, the complete renovation of the House of Culture into a modern cultural space or a cozy Molokoffe coffee shop, consider that you already know Anna. All these and many other projects were made by her personally with the help of the team that Anna managed to assemble at different periods of time. Co-founder of the Kamenka Cultural Space, she has been managing it from 2013 to 2016. She is now a brand manager for the SM. CITY construction company. She is responsible for the «happiness of the residents»: large-scale Christmas lighting, seasonal events, «talking» navigation in neighborhoods, Christmas mail or music in the streets. At the same time, she is «a little more than a marketer» at Molokoffe coffee shop. This is a family business, so any of her creative ideas and marketing experiments Anna can test there first. People, unfamiliar with her, refer to her as the spirit of the project. Anna always pays attention to the design surrounding the projects she is responsible for, has a sense of beauty, so her projects always have great visuals.

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