Artem Meshcheryakov

Creative director of the agency Narrators

Co-writer of advertising campaigns for Nizhny 800. Artem launches advertising campaigns, manages creative projects, produces video content, with clients across Russia. He is one of the creators of the theatrical multimedia performance «Code for Nizhny» — the first 800th anniversary event, created together with the director Lev Kharlamov and dreamlaser studio. Co-writer and producer of Byt, A Ne Kazatsia (To Be, Rather Than To Seem), a film released for the 800th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod, which gives eight reasons to love the city; co-writer of Nachalo Novogo, the 800th anniversary communication campaign; creative producer of Simfoniia Novogo Podviga, a project in honor of doctors and memory of those killed during the pandemic of Covid-19.

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