Nikolay Borisov

Special correspondent with the Sakha News Agency

Words are his main business and a superpower. He knows how to use them in order to communicate an important message.

Since 1998, he has been a journalist of the major news agencies of the region. He served as the journalist of the North-Eastern Federal University pressroom, editor-in-chief of «Entrepreneur of Yakutia» magazine, head of the information department of the Entrepreneurship Support Center in Yakutia, journalist with the «Ykt.Ru» news service, and editor of YAKUTIA.INFO online newspaper.

Since 2015, member of the second convocation of Youth Government of Yakutia.

Nikolay is the winner of many prestigious awards in the field of journalism, including: best young journalist of Yakutia of 2017, the winner of the All-Russian competition of journalists «Truth and Justice», the winner in the «Photo coverage» nomination at «The Far East — the ascending star of Russia» competition, the Certificate of Honor of the Russian Union of Journalists for creative activity.

Location: Yakutsk, Russia