Serge Himmelreich
Game designer, game writer
Age: 46
Popularizer of indie games and game design
Founder of «Indikator» — a creative space for game writers
Founder of «Dikari» — community of game writers based in Kaliningrad
Co-founder of «Game Designer Cuffs» professional community
Founded the largest community of game writers in Russia «Indikator». Organized a professional community of game designers «Game Designer Cuffs». Developed and implemented one of the first «Game designer» educational programs both for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in several Universities. In 2020 arranged the first «Education in the gaming industry» Forum in Russia. Participated in the development of numerous gaming projects for PC, social media and mobile: Dungeons of Evilibrium/Soul Reapers; Evilibrium: Soul Hunters, Mushroom Wars (mobile), Mushroom Wars Space (mobile); Jelly Draw; Etherlords (mobile); Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942; Shararam and many others.
Seeks to establish an open and comfortable ecosystem for promoting creative professions in the gaming industry; does research on game design; popularizes writers’ games and the game design industry as a career option; develops relevant education of gaming industry.