Green Apelsin (Angela Zhirkova)

Singer, songwriter

The alias Green Apelsin is derived from the name of the favorite band and fruit. The idea came to her at the age of 14. She is known for her medmaid-like voice and deep lyrics. Angela has been a huge music fan for as long as she can remember. She graduated from the music school in piano. At the age of 16, she posted a cover version of «How far I’ll go», a song from computer-animated film «Moana». It didn’t go unnoticed — the Russian Singers public page shared the song, which resulted in a significant increase in subscribers. She studied academic vocals and believes that it was the arias that helped her find her style.

In 2021, she released her first album entitled «North Wind». «Hunting for the Fox», a title track, hit over a million streams in Spotify. Music video «Fox Hunt» hit 1 million views on YouTube in 3 months. Sony Music Entertainment contacted Angela when the song entitled «Fox Hunt» popped up in Tik Tok recommendations. She is now signed with the label. While writing songs, she puts the main emphasis on the meanings behind the lyrics. The process of song writing usually involves immersion in all the sources, themes, references, details, serving as Easter eggs in her lyrics. Music and lyrics are composed at the same time.

Location: Yakutsk, Russia