Arsen Tomsky
Tech entrepreneur
Founder of Sinet Spark, CEO & Founder of inDriver. Author of «InDriver: from Yakutia to Silicon Valley». Arsen is always on the lookout for and giving values to his projects. With the main one being helping people with no access to either knowledge or useful connections.
Arsen lives and works in the United States, but continues to develop about 10 major non-profit initiatives in the homeland. For instance, last November he announced the launch of the football non-profit project «Iskra». The general idea is to open football sections for boys and girls in small towns of Russia and Kazakhstan, that are not fixated on getting best results possible, where coaches do not scold children for making mistakes, but where the atmosphere of fun and pleasure during training is above all.
«Begin IT» is yet another non-profit project that sets a goal of teaching children from remote rural schools and orphanages the basics of programming. The project gives children an opportunity to get into IT. And the «Smart» project teaches not only children. Everyone who is interested will be able to listen to leading IT specialists for free. In the academic field, Arsen is nurturing the goal of creating a large digital university — a kind of Anti-Stanford, where talented children will be able to access the best knowledge for little money or even for free.
To achieve greater heights in life, you need to know who you are. Understand your life’s self-identity and presonal mission. I searched for it and realiazed that I am a «developer» — a person who constantly develops himself and develops what matters to him." Location: USA