Yuri Lukin


For 15 years, Yuri has been exclusively engaged in fashion design. Since childhood, he was attracted to drawing, creating something new, decorating the space around him. Yuri manufactures what he calls urban ethnic fashion. The designer created his own brand, took part on the popular Russian TV show called «Podium», got to the final of the project and now successfully conquers the catwalk of the country. The talented designer won the Fashion Week in Yakutsk, the Delphic Youth Games, the Republican festival «Sahar5a-2013». He is also the finalist of The Moscow competition of young fashion designers and the regional selection round of the Competition for Young Designers «Russian Silhouette». He came up with an idea of colorful vests for the Yakut delegation for 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, sewed costumes for the «Children of Asia» International sports games award group. «Miss Yakutia 2020» is one of his latest major projects was where he manufactures costumes for contestants.

For two years now, Yuri has been chief fashion designer of theatrical costumes of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre, head of the production of theatrical repertoire.

«I cannot accurately describe where the inspiration comes from, how it happens. I just take it and try to do my job as close to perfection as possible. «

Location: Yakutsk, Russia