Renat Maksutov

Sound engeneer

Worked as a professor of special disciplines at the Yakut College of Culture and Arts; as sound engineer at the Center for Culture and Modern Art; as sound designer at MyTona. Has been a sound engineer at the «Sound and Light» rental agency in 2015. Since 2022, Renat has been working as a sound engineer at the Yuri Gagarin Center for Culture and Contemporary Art. He also has a side job, working as a sound director in the Irish pub «Wild Duck» where band give live concerts. While studying he took an internship at Sakhafilm, where he worked as a sound engineer, recorded ambient sounds, cleared background noises, did speech editing, recorded audio on set, assisted with dubbing. In 2021, he became a bronze medalist of the national open championship of creative competencies «ArtMasters» in the «Sound engineer» nomination. He is a World Skills expert in sound design.

«I love my profession and every day I learn something new. Initially I wanted to be engaged in music studio production, but the realities of my city dictate the opposite and I had to shine myself with concert sound production».

Location: Yakutsk, Russia