Artem Petukhov
Commercial director of Smart Unit. Member of the Ministry of innovations, digital development and Info-communication technologies of the Sakha Republic.
In 2022, he was awarded the badge of «Excellence in the Innovations» for conscientious work and a significant contribution to the implementation of innovative activities, technological support of research, development in the field of innovation. Smart Unit is a software development and enterprise automation company. The services in the design and implementation of software and automation of enterprises, which they provide are guaranteed by extensive experience of the team. During the company’s work, its own software and hardware architecture of building data centers was created. The data center as a platform for the provision of virtual hosting services has been launched into industrial operation. More than 500 projects were completed in terms of the development of websites and related services. The company’s own program for the implementation of any automation solutions has also been developed. A significant number of projects have been implemented in terms of creating information systems and complex solutions for enterprise automation.
Location: Yakutsk, Russia