Sergey Protopopov
President of Boontar Ltd
Sergey Protopopov has been working in IT field since 2005. He had experience working in video game industry, he was also involved in the launch of MyTona, a mobile video game developer. Now Sergey is the President of Boontar Ltd, a resident of Yakutia Technopark. Performs innovation activities in Russia and overseas in the field of IT, particularly, e-commerce, b2b-services increasing sales in business. He also takes part in public activities and participates in the development of an ecosystem for IT developers, employee development, as well as new startups in the region. He is a member of the Council for the IT Industry Development of Yakutia. The company is now developing the Boontar. tv project, which turns YouTube video into a selling landing page in three clicks. The project is designed for business owners and influencers. The Boontar project won the Sberbank Startup Accelerator as well as the 500 Global international venture fund in 2019. Sergey and his team participated in TechCrunch Disrupt, an exhibition of tech startups in San Francisco: «We became the only Russian company among 500 exhibitors, and received a lot of attention. We launched in 2016, and attracted Microsoft as an investor in 2017. «
Location: Yakutsk, Russia