Aisena Timofeeva
Senior editor of the editorial office of JSC National Publishing Company «BICHIK»
In 2020 the Ministry of Innovation, Digital Development and Info-communication Technologies of Yakutia commended the publishing company. «BICHIK» preserves the traditions laid down for more than eighty years, continues to successfully work for the development of literature of the peoples of Yakutia, the prosperity of education, science, culture, spirituality of the region. «BICHIK» is a leading regional publisher of artistic works and educational and methodological literature for children, social and political, popular science publications in the languages of the Yakutia peoples. It is one of the 100 publishing houses in Russia that have published the largest number of books. Preservation of the Yakut national culture is the key value of the company. Love and respect for nature, studying of ancestors’ wisdom, mutual aid and assistance are the foundation of centuries-old prosperity of the people of Yakutia.
Location: Yakutsk, Russia