Vlada Timofeeva
National Art Museum of the Repulic of Sakna directror
Ph.D. in History of Art, Director National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Graduated from the Yakut Art School, majoring in Pedagogical Art, and from The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, majoring in Fine Arts and Drawing. The laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of Yakutia, a distinguished cultural expert of Yakutia, was included in High-Potential Management Personnel Reserve of Yakutia in 2017.
Conducts basic scientific research of priority areas in the museum: the study of the collection, history and modern artistic processes of fine art, study of folk arts and crafts. Develops long-term and annual plans of the museum, programs of cultural activities of the museum.
Author of numerous books and monographs on the fine arts of Yakutia, distinguished by the novelty of the interpretation of the artistic process of Yakutia. Together with a group of researchers, has been working on a system catalogue called «Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of the 17th — early 20th centuries in museums around the world». Actively participates in the organization of large exhibition projects from the funds of the world’s leading museums, international and all-Russian cultural events, such as «Long Night of Museums», «Night of Arts», the International Yakut Biennale of Contemporary Art «BY».
Location: Yakutsk, Russia