Vladimir Chikishev

Founder, Artistic Director and Director of the Piano Theater

Member of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation. Teacher of the highest rank. Honored Worker of Culture of Russia. Winner of the State Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for the creation of the Piano Theater and the implementation of the «Shkola-Teatr-Dom» («School-Theater-Home») program of unified educational space. Laureate of the Russian National Theater Award «Harlequin» in the nomination «For Great Service to the Theater for Children». Piano is the only theatre in Russia where children with hearing loss play. Together with the theater troupe, Vladimir has participated in more than 80 international theater festivals, projects and events. The theater’s goals are to provide creative and social rehabilitation to hearing-impaired children by introducing them to the art of theater. In the Piano theater, they use play-based approach to learning. Vladimir often holds workshops at theater festivals and discussion forums for teachers. He has written articles on theater pedagogy in a number of journals, such as Korrespondenzen, Spiel, Buhne, Theaterkunst und Kinderspiel, Kinder- und Jugendtheater in Russland. He also wrote a collection of materials of the First Russian Conference of School Theatrical Pedagogy in Memory of L. A. Sulerzhitsky.

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